Heroes IV Creature Ratings in PEONs

PEON = Peasant Equivalent Opponent Number

Creature Tier PEONS Gold Cost PEONS/1k GP Growth/wk PEONS/wk
peasant 1 1 15 67 36 36
imp 1 1.25 18 69 28 35
bandit 1 1.5 20 75 26 39
skeleton 1 1.5 22 68 25 37.5
halfling 1 1.75
leprechaun 1 1.75
pirate 1 1.75 22 80 24 42
squire 1 1.75
sprite 1 1.75 22 80 23 40.25
berserker 1 2
dwarf 1 2
troglodyte 1 2
crossbowman 1 2.25
orc 1 2.5
zombie 1 2.5
wolf 1 2.75 36 76 15 41.25
centaur 1 4.5
ghost 2 8.25 140 59 9 74.25
pikeman 2 8.75
gargoyle 2 9.5
mage 2 9.5
harpy 2 9.75
mummy 2 9.75
satyr 2 9.75
elf 2 10.75 190 57 7 75.25
ballista 2 11
cerberus 2 11 190 58 7 77
evil eye 2 12.75
medusa 2 13
nomad 2 13
minotaur 2 13.25
white tiger 2 13.25 220 60 6 79.5
troll 2 13.5
gold golem 2 14
water elemental 3 18.25
air elemental 3 18.5
fire elemental 3 18.75
earth elemental 3 19.25
ogre mage 3 25.25
genie 3 26.25
waspwort 3 26.25
monk 3 26.75
unicorn 3 30 650 46 5 150
crusader 3 31
nightmare 3 37
griffin 3 38.5 800 48 4 154
goblin knight 3 39.25
ice demon 3 39.25
naga 3 39.25
efreeti 3 40.25
venom spawn 3 50.25
cyclops 3 50.75
vampire 3 51.25 1100 47 3 153.75
champion 4 80
thunderbird 4 101.5
phoenix 4 152 4000 38 2 304
faerie dragon 4 153 4000 38 2 306
devil 4 154 4000 39 2 308
mantis 4 154
hydra 4 154.3
angel 4 155
bone dragon 4 156
behemoth 4 158
dragon golem 4 158
evil sorceress 4 188
catapult 4 200
frenzied gnasher 4 200
gargantuan 4 200
dark champion 4 250
black dragon 4 309
megadragon 4 376

Random Army Ratings

Random Army Type Min PEONS Max PEONS
Level 1 Monster 62 93
Level 2 Monster 152 228
Level 3 Monster 370 555
Level 4 Monster 913 1421
Random Monster 370 555

Creature Growth

Tier PEONS per 1000 GP Growth/wk in PEONS GP cost / wk
1 ~70 ~38 ~540 (x2 dwellings = 1080)
2 ~60 ~75 1250
3 ~50 ~150 3000
4 ~40 ~300 7500

Each tier of dwellings built in a town doubles the creature growth rate in PEONS per week. However, each tier of dwellings is less gold-efficient than the previous one. You can purchase all available creatures in tiers 1–3 with the income from a single City Hall, but to affort tier 4, you need a gold mine.

Hero Strength

A level 1 hero is worth about 18 PEONS without Basic Combat, and 25 PEONS with Basic Combat.