Metrics for

July 4, 2023


The goal of the web portal page is twofold:

Data collected

The metric for Goal 1 is "number of webpages visited per month" as measured by my browser history. This number should remain stable or decrease over time. It's unclear what an ideal value for this metric would be — maybe around 300? As of June 2024, it's around 2000.

A few webpages that I consider mostly harmless are excluded from this metric. Those include:

I might add to this list in the future.

The metric for Goal 2 is "number of web searches performed per month." Google and DuckDuckGo searches are counted separately because Google is more prone to enshittification. Lower numbers are better.

How to gather metrics

Run tools/metrics HISTORYFILE

Historical Data

Lower numbers are better.

Month Webpages Google searches DDG searches
Aug 2024 1591 1 87
Jul 2024 1072 1 101
Jun 2024 1974 6 217
May 2024 2122 30 168
Apr 2024 1221 0 136
Mar 2024 1593 0 170
Feb 2024 1435 6 160


August 2024

That one Google search doesn't count - I was using's search feature, which I thought was a first-party thing, but it turned out to just be a link to Google. Why the Unicode Consortium can't build a search tool for Unicode characters, which they presumably already have an exhaustive, in-memory-sized database of, is beyond me. But there it is.

I felt like I visited a lot of pages this month, but I guess it wasn't that many. I did discover many new websites through the Wayward Web, and had to wait through the 20-second delay that LeechBlock imposes for each one. Maybe the delay made it feel like there were more of them.